Exception Handling Patterns

Batch or Transactional Asynchronous

Party 1 is sending information to Party 2, the number of transactions may be as little as 1 and may be very large.

  1. Party 1 transmits multi-transaction message to Party 2.

  2. Party 2 inbound processes message asynchronously.

  3. Party 2 generates and transmits any exception response transactions with error codes to Party 1.

  4. Party 1 inbound processes response asynchronously.

  5. Party 1 Corrects and re-transmits any error transactions asynchronously.

Small Batch or Transactional Synchronous (Push)

Party 1 is sending information to Party 2, the number of transactions may be as little as 1 but may not be very large.

  1. Party 1 transmits single or small-batch multi transaction message to Party 2.

  2. Party 2 processes message synchronously.

  3. Party 2 responds synchronously with any error codes.

  4. Party 1 processes errors synchronously or asynchronously.

  5. Party 1 Corrects and re-transmits any error transactions asynchronously.

Small Batch or Transactional Synchronous (Pull)

Party 2 is pulling information from Party 1, the number of transactions may be as little as 1 but may not be very large.

  1. Party 2 requests single or small-batch multi transaction message from Party 1.

  2. Party 1 responds with requested transactions synchronously.

  3. Party 2 processes response synchronously.

  4. Party 2 returns errors synchronously or asynchronously.

  5. Party 1 Corrects errors and flags transactions for re-transmission asynchronously

  6. Party 2 receives corrected transactions as part of next request.