Message from payer "IHCS" regarding the Referring Physician ID on your EVV visits.

As of 01/01/2024 IHCS claims submitted through Netsmart require the Referring Physician NPI to be added to all claims, failure to do so will result in a rejection and claims will be returned to their worklist in Netsmart. Agencies are able to locate the Referring Physician in Medtrac under the orders and authorizations tab. It is imperative that all agencies bill with this updated information to avoid potential rejection of claims.

 There will be a significant modification concerning agencies' visibility of authorizations transmitted from Integrated to Netsmart. Authorizations will no longer reflect the total number of units in Netsmart, but they will indicate the remaining amount available for billing. For instance, if an agency is granted authorization for 250 units of S9123 and has utilized 200 units, the system will reflect 50 units remaining to bill with that authorization.

 Along with dates of service in 2023 and 2024 has to be billed on two separate claims or it will cause denials for all dates of service. 

 These adjustments demand immediate attention and compliance to ensure seamless claims processing. Failure to adhere to these new protocols may result in adverse outcomes for claims submission. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.